Order delivered is different from initial order
Kumkumadi, Turmeric and Sandal Body Wash - Pack of 3
The body washes amazing I love the scents.
The Body Wash Pack of 3 was not delivered. Instead, it appears that a three-pack of soap for Kumkumadi, Turneric and Sandal were sent instead. I sent an email requesting the correct product and a response. I haven't heard from MediMix.
Order delivered is different from initial order
Kumkumadi, Turmeric and Sandal Body Wash - Pack of 3
The body washes amazing I love the scents.
The Body Wash Pack of 3 was not delivered. Instead, it appears that a three-pack of soap for Kumkumadi, Turneric and Sandal were sent instead. I sent an email requesting the correct product and a response. I haven't heard from MediMix.